16 Maggio 2024 - 2:13
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Archivio Tag: military

Sei davvero Babbo Natale?

Lo squillo del telefono scosse tutti, perché nessuno se lo aspettava. Innervosito, il colonnello dell’aeronautica americana Harry Shoup sapeva che una chiamata tramite la hotline top secret non sarebbe stata una buona notizia per il Continental Air Defense Command (CONAD), in particolare in quel momento con la Guerra Fredda in ...

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The US and North Korea: are they victims of the Thucydides’ trap?

North Korea can be thought to be an unexploded bomb within the international system: this is because it does not match with the current balance of power in Asia. As a matter of definition, it is also assumable that, amongst the main sub-senses of the concept of security (e.g. Social, ...

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