19 Aprile 2024 - 16:25
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Archivio Tag: European Union

MES or Coronabond? This is not the key issue for Italy in Europe

The fate of the EU hangs by a thread. The European Union has moved disunited on the crisis (not only humanitarian and economic but also social) caused by the SARSCovid-2 pandemic. The one-word summary is “stalemate“, due to multiple possible reasons. The first concerns the division of competences of the ...

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The Catalonian Crisis: an impelling message for Europe?

When Rajoy’s Government outlawed the Catalan independence process last month by invoking Article 155 of the Spanish Constitution— thereby endorsing the sentence of the Supreme Court — the Catalonian crisis appeared to be an issue the Spanish government could have contained with moderation. However, due to the deepening political crisis ...

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Festa di famiglia

Sono le sette di sera ed una donna cerca timidamente spazio tra la folla in metropolitana: ha il viso scavato dalle rughe ed un volto rattristato, nel portamento tuttavia mantiene un fascino del tutto atipico per quell’ambiente sudaticcio. La donna ha un bustone pieno di attrezzi da lavoro in una ...

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